Whether you have a particular skill, knowledge or talent you have tested or proved in the past, has the potential or actually has generated income for you before, it is a desirable choice for lots of mums that after many years of being a “9 to 5 employee”, have realised they have had enough of it and feel is the right moment to give it a go. If you don’t have clear yet what to sell or to offer, there are plenty of communities, groups and courses that will support you from the very beginning to discover your points of interest, talents and what you enjoy doing.
If you…
-Feel comfortable taking risks and are resilient to overcome difficulties and struggles
-Feel confident about your idea, product or service as well as your skills and capabilities and are willing to persevere and move forward in spite of the challenges and potential issues at the beginning of the journey
-Are happy to assume different tasks and challenges. Even though it is very true for any mumpreneur, keep also in mind that outsourcing some jobs, whenever possible, can be the best decision you can make instead of trying to do it all by yourself. Outsource your weaknesses and focus on your strengths.
Female Entreprenaur Association is a global community with lots of useful resources for anyone interested in starting a business. Along with weekly videos with tips and ideas and the book “She means business”, they have a membership club to join at different times of the year. FEA offers networking opportunities, hands on help and support, free webinars and lots of resources to get you started. Click in the button above to go to their website.
Business Jump offers a comprehensive range of services to support mums that want to start a business. Starting from scratch knowing about you, it helps mums to create businesses that fit their lives, expectations and skills. It covers subjects like strategy, branding, monetisation, social media accounts and many other key areas to succeed as a mumpreneur. It is based in Australia with mums all over the world.
With a marketplace full of unique items from independent sellers and a membership community, All by Mama supports mums to run online shops and have visibility through their website. They also offer business courses to support mums along the way. Click on the link above to find out if this is the right place for your mumpreneurship journey.